Consider the Dog Podcast
Just like our relationships with other humans in our lives, our relationships with our dogs are dynamic and complex. We believe that for those relationships to flourish or to find resolution when those relationships become strained, we must attend to them thoughtfully and with care. Welcome to the Consider the Dog podcast, created from archived recordings of live sessions where our members get to ask their most burning questions to some of the greatest practitioners of Canine Behavior. Hosted by Tyler Muto.
Consider the Dog Podcast
Episode 5: Uncontrollable Humping, Attention Barking, Do's and Don'ts of Sleeping in Bed with Your Dog, and More with Evan Doggett
In today’s episode, Evan Doggett will be joining Tyler Muto as they cover a ton of ground. They discuss: excessive barking for attention, a Malinois mix who obsessively humps anything fluffy, helping dogs learn to settle in the house, mountain biking with dogs, do's and don'ts of letting your dog sleep in your bed, helping your dog learn to not freakout at your neighbors when in the back yard, and more! Let’s Go!
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